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Deep Trance Channeling Toronto

What is Meditation?

Jenish Modi

What is Meditation? By Jenish Modi


In general terms, Meditation is to think deeply about something
whereas, at one stage (Spiritual Perspective) there is no thought
in our existence. In Sanskrit, it is called as ‘Dhyana’ which means
contemplation, sheer concentration and reflection of ourselves.
To understand the eternal (which is Sanatan Dharma, the
Totality) is the beginning of Meditation. It has many stages at
which one can practice and become aware of own thoughts.
Meditating is a process of perceiving the Stillness. It makes you
the Observer of your thoughts, feelings and emotions without
reacting to it.
It is the process of calming your mind which is to be timeless,
therefore not travelling in past and future. It helps in releasing
all kind of energy stored at unconscious stage. There are billions
of thoughts running in our mind, consciously and sub
consciously because of which we are not able to live the present
moment, while to stop chattering our mind, the practice of
meditation is required.
Why people do Meditation to find peace of mind?
It has proven scientifically that meditating regularly for an hour
helps in releasing our Dopamine, which relaxes our mind and
fills with positive energy and enthusiasm. It changes chemical
energy within you and calms your mind. It helps in balancing
and controlling our mindset in worst situation of life. The
wavering of thoughts is completely stopped. It also helps in
maintain the healthy relationships with everyone. The power of
focusing our mind gets doubled and one can have restful sleep.
We become more enthusiastic in all areas of our life. Our
concentration on breath is focused more and we tend to live
healthy life. One who is suffering from any pain or grieve,
Meditation is the process through which one can heal himself.

There are various types of Meditation levels through which one
can achieve peace of mind in Materialistic world. There are
various postures for different types of Meditation to be
How Meditation can be helpful in enhancing Spiritual journey?
Meditation and Spirituality goes hand in hand. Meditating
concisely is the knowing the Unknown (the light of
Consciousness) One dimension of Meditation is to experience
the deep questions about our existence (Spiritual life) to reveal
the truth of such thoughts, one needs to practice for long hours.
By practicing Mindfulness Meditation, the so called wiring and
structure of brain is changed. One has to fold their thoughts and
keep aside, then you will experience the bliss of light within you
which is thoughtless. That is the ultimate stage of wisdom which
is called an ‘Enlightenment’
If someone starts Meditating considering as a tool with the
intention of receiving any divine magic in life, it will never work.
Our mind weight is nearly 3 pounds but it has the most complex
structure of the world. Practicing Mindfulness Meditation will
brings us the power of now moment (present moment). This
process will brings you the Awareness within.
Just Practice Meditation, feel and you shall find it…
While practicing Mindfulness Meditation, all we require to have
attitude of surrender and integrity for ourselves. Practicing
Spiritual Meditation regularly will make you kind and
compassionate hearted person which itself is an achievement
for yourself and others around you.

Why Meditation is important for entrepreneurs to be successful
in business?

I suppose we need to look at the bigger picture. If one is going
to be sincere about a spiritual path, then it needs to include all
the aspects of life. In general, we don’t practice meditation in
business. Rather, we work as a part of our meditation practice.
Here is one aspect of how meditation will be useful for
Practicing meditation at home, we build a compassionate
relationship with our family members however we keep grudges
and see our employees with hatred feelings which will never
lead you to any success. It certainly means that you are making
an exception outside Meditation thoughts are not under your
control, which is not the outcome of Mediation in general.
Meditation enhances your compassion, kindness, humbleness
with everyone makes you one behavioral for all and everyone.
Having a practice of meditation at business is very important
and helps you to improve your office culture.
Our mind is the biggest asset when it comes to business.
Scientific studies have proven, Meditation improves our
Cognitive power.
Gabrielle Bernstein mentions the benefits of practicing
Meditation regularly.
Decision-making is another element from a business perspective.
Entrepreneurs should have clarity of their thoughts and vision
for their business. They had multiple tasks to perform in
business while performing one has to be calm and patient,
which is only possible with the practice of Mindfulness

Practicing meditation helps in polishing the inner qualities of
intuition that everyone holds. When taking any decision in

business, if one feels not confident about it, then paying
attention to inner voice can help a lot, and meditation helps
make your intuition better.

Meditation raises the compassion level we hold within ourselves.
Serving that compassion getting deeply rooted into your firm’s
culture. With greater compassion and kindness, each individual
thinks of the consequence of their actions and hence makes
better decisions.

How does Meditation effects on Sub-Conscious mind?
Meditation has a tremendous effect on the subconscious mind,
which is the human dynamo of uniqueness and abundance. The
human mind is a most complex structure wavering here and
there in imagination. Meditation helps to rewire our
subconscious mind and create block-free pathways for success
and happiness.
The purpose of meditation is to lower your brain ripples so that
you can focus on your attention from the internal to the
external and access your subconscious mind. The subconscious
mind operates magnificently when it is in the theta range. It
consists of all self-administered impulses which reach one’s
mind through the senses. The direct thoughts that endure in the
conscious mind make their way to the subconscious mind and
influence it. Thought rules the emotion and empowers it.
This is what Alan Watts has to say on Meditation.
If you practice Meditation without any goal, for instance, you
will see the change within you. However, you will be distracted
as soon as any uncontrollable situation pops up. That is called,
Temporary solution from Meditation. Meanwhile, if you set any
goal in mind, your subconscious mind follows a definite process,

and it changes the pattern and embraces the new habit, which
allows your conscious structure to stop waver and keep you
calm and relax for the whole day. A strong signal has been
capture in our subconscious mind. For example, when we go for
a shower, our subconscious mind follows a standard procedure
by default, using soap to our body, checking the water
temperature, and rinsing with it. We don’t just jump into the
shower and come out. Similarly, it is the process we have to
follow to change our thinking patterns to relax.
I Meditated…to write on Meditation.

Author – The following post was written by Jenish Modi and
what he shares is based on his personal thoughts and reflections
about our Spiritual Journey. Jenish is a co-owner of the website
called Good Question. A solution designer by day, a book
enthusiast by night, and a problem solver always. Jenish is a
Spiritual seeker trying to know or understand Consciousness.
As a passionate software professional, Jenish strongly believes
that Computer Science and AI (when applied consciously), are
powerful tools that can help elevate human consciousness and
well-being. His other passions include sports, books, and doing
whatever he can to thank Mother Earth that has made life

Good Question – Answer to the most fundamental question in the universe. (goodqn.com)

What is Meditation? By Jenish Modi


In general terms, Meditation is to think deeply about something
whereas, at one stage (Spiritual Perspective) there is no thought
in our existence. In Sanskrit, it is called as ‘Dhyana’ which means
contemplation, sheer concentration and reflection of ourselves.
To understand the eternal (which is Sanatan Dharma, the
Totality) is the beginning of Meditation. It has many stages at
which one can practice and become aware of own thoughts.
Meditating is a process of perceiving the Stillness. It makes you
the Observer of your thoughts, feelings and emotions without
reacting to it.
It is the process of calming your mind which is to be timeless,
therefore not travelling in past and future. It helps in releasing
all kind of energy stored at unconscious stage. There are billions
of thoughts running in our mind, consciously and sub
consciously because of which we are not able to live the present
moment, while to stop chattering our mind, the practice of
meditation is required.
Why people do Meditation to find peace of mind?
It has proven scientifically that meditating regularly for an hour
helps in releasing our Dopamine, which relaxes our mind and
fills with positive energy and enthusiasm. It changes chemical
energy within you and calms your mind. It helps in balancing
and controlling our mindset in worst situation of life. The
wavering of thoughts is completely stopped. It also helps in
maintain the healthy relationships with everyone. The power of
focusing our mind gets doubled and one can have restful sleep.
We become more enthusiastic in all areas of our life. Our
concentration on breath is focused more and we tend to live
healthy life. One who is suffering from any pain or grieve,
Meditation is the process through which one can heal himself.

There are various types of Meditation levels through which one
can achieve peace of mind in Materialistic world. There are
various postures for different types of Meditation to be
How Meditation can be helpful in enhancing Spiritual journey?
Meditation and Spirituality goes hand in hand. Meditating
concisely is the knowing the Unknown (the light of
Consciousness) One dimension of Meditation is to experience
the deep questions about our existence (Spiritual life) to reveal
the truth of such thoughts, one needs to practice for long hours.
By practicing Mindfulness Meditation, the so called wiring and
structure of brain is changed. One has to fold their thoughts and
keep aside, then you will experience the bliss of light within you
which is thoughtless. That is the ultimate stage of wisdom which
is called an ‘Enlightenment’
If someone starts Meditating considering as a tool with the
intention of receiving any divine magic in life, it will never work.
Our mind weight is nearly 3 pounds but it has the most complex
structure of the world. Practicing Mindfulness Meditation will
brings us the power of now moment (present moment). This
process will brings you the Awareness within.
Just Practice Meditation, feel and you shall find it…
While practicing Mindfulness Meditation, all we require to have
attitude of surrender and integrity for ourselves. Practicing
Spiritual Meditation regularly will make you kind and
compassionate hearted person which itself is an achievement
for yourself and others around you.

Why Meditation is important for entrepreneurs to be successful
in business?

I suppose we need to look at the bigger picture. If one is going
to be sincere about a spiritual path, then it needs to include all
the aspects of life. In general, we don’t practice meditation in
business. Rather, we work as a part of our meditation practice.
Here is one aspect of how meditation will be useful for
Practicing meditation at home, we build a compassionate
relationship with our family members however we keep grudges
and see our employees with hatred feelings which will never
lead you to any success. It certainly means that you are making
an exception outside Meditation thoughts are not under your
control, which is not the outcome of Mediation in general.
Meditation enhances your compassion, kindness, humbleness
with everyone makes you one behavioral for all and everyone.
Having a practice of meditation at business is very important
and helps you to improve your office culture.
Our mind is the biggest asset when it comes to business.
Scientific studies have proven, Meditation improves our
Cognitive power.
Gabrielle Bernstein mentions the benefits of practicing
Meditation regularly.
Decision-making is another element from a business perspective.
Entrepreneurs should have clarity of their thoughts and vision
for their business. They had multiple tasks to perform in
business while performing one has to be calm and patient,
which is only possible with the practice of Mindfulness

Practicing meditation helps in polishing the inner qualities of
intuition that everyone holds. When taking any decision in

business, if one feels not confident about it, then paying
attention to inner voice can help a lot, and meditation helps
make your intuition better.

Meditation raises the compassion level we hold within ourselves.
Serving that compassion getting deeply rooted into your firm’s
culture. With greater compassion and kindness, each individual
thinks of the consequence of their actions and hence makes
better decisions.

How does Meditation effects on Sub-Conscious mind?
Meditation has a tremendous effect on the subconscious mind,
which is the human dynamo of uniqueness and abundance. The
human mind is a most complex structure wavering here and
there in imagination. Meditation helps to rewire our
subconscious mind and create block-free pathways for success
and happiness.
The purpose of meditation is to lower your brain ripples so that
you can focus on your attention from the internal to the
external and access your subconscious mind. The subconscious
mind operates magnificently when it is in the theta range. It
consists of all self-administered impulses which reach one’s
mind through the senses. The direct thoughts that endure in the
conscious mind make their way to the subconscious mind and
influence it. Thought rules the emotion and empowers it.
This is what Alan Watts has to say on Meditation.
If you practice Meditation without any goal, for instance, you
will see the change within you. However, you will be distracted
as soon as any uncontrollable situation pops up. That is called,
Temporary solution from Meditation. Meanwhile, if you set any
goal in mind, your subconscious mind follows a definite process,

and it changes the pattern and embraces the new habit, which
allows your conscious structure to stop waver and keep you
calm and relax for the whole day. A strong signal has been
capture in our subconscious mind. For example, when we go for
a shower, our subconscious mind follows a standard procedure
by default, using soap to our body, checking the water
temperature, and rinsing with it. We don’t just jump into the
shower and come out. Similarly, it is the process we have to
follow to change our thinking patterns to relax.
I Meditated…to write on Meditation.

Author – The following post was written by Jenish Modi and
what he shares is based on his personal thoughts and reflections
about our Spiritual Journey. Jenish is a co-owner of the website
called Good Question. A solution designer by day, a book
enthusiast by night, and a problem solver always. Jenish is a
Spiritual seeker trying to know or understand Consciousness.
As a passionate software professional, Jenish strongly believes
that Computer Science and AI (when applied consciously), are
powerful tools that can help elevate human consciousness and
well-being. His other passions include sports, books, and doing
whatever he can to thank Mother Earth that has made life

Good Question – Answer to the most fundamental question in the universe. (goodqn.com)

Destiny is a Funny Thing

Orion Mott Reiki Master Toronto

Destiny is a Funny Thing: By Orion Mott


Like many people who have read the bio on this website (https://orionmott.com/meet-me) would gather, I had an unusual childhood.  One of the main messages imparted to me through various teachers, healers, gurus, and shamans, was that I am destined to be a great healer.  Destiny is a funny thing.  As interesting as the idea of predestination might be, there always seemed something controlling about it.  I truly believe in personal freedom and the notion of predestination seemed horribly constrictive.

When I entered my early twenties, I tried hard to be like everyone else…(boy what a mistake!).  I studied Kinesiology, Psychology and Philosophy at University, watched sports, and worked as a personal trainer at a great fitness center in Toronto.  You could say that I was trying to create a “normal” life that would appeal to my Ego.  For most of my early life, my Ego was in charge, and it was huge and powerful.  I felt like I was in control of my life…for a time.  Unfortunately, I never saw the cliff edge until it was too late.

When I entered my Thirties, I became wildly irritable and dissatisfied with life.  Everything I thought I wanted, was now in question.  I felt like I was a target, and that my soul was attacking me through the actions and behaviors of others.  I attracted these negative experiences into my life because I didn’t allow myself to be extraordinary.  I tried so hard to be ordinary.  In hindsight, my abusers are strong signal letting me know I had veered off the path of being my true self.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that I was not fulfilling the life I was meant to live.  After having achieved many of my goals, I felt that there was more to my life than I was currently experiencing.  I studied BodyTalk and other healing modalities to broaden my perspective, but I felt it was just a curiosity at the time.  Veering in the energy world caused a polarity in my circle of confidants.  I felt the support of friends and clients from people who encouraged my growth, and condemnation from others who became fearful of stepping into the unknown.  I started to walk a dual path.  Some who I let into my spiritual world, and others I would never talk to about these non-physical ideas.

On my fortieth birthday, I decided to lead my life through my heart and trust the process of my life by being fully myself.  It wasn’t long before I finally bridged the gap between the person I was meant to be and the one I could except.  I had been quietly healing people for years at this point, but I finally came out of the spiritual closet.

My life exploded in every direction.  I became a medical intuitive, reiki master, BodyTalk practitioner, Bio-mechanical specialist, and a brain healer specializing concussions, ADHD, and personality disorders.  It wasn’t long before I turned my talents to heart clearing and emotional/spiritual counselling.

I started my life as a healer, walked away from it, and found it again later in life.  Destiny is a funny thing.